As obesity levels rise higher and higher around the world, there is one aspect to this problem that hasn't changed...
You have to expend some energy and put in some effort if you want to achieve weight loss and fitness with diet and slimming exercises and weight training.
While there are many ways to go about this one of the most efficient weight loss methods continually meets resistance... (Hmm. Maybe that's why it's called resistance training ...) namely, weight training.
Women generally have the hardest time accepting weight (resistance) training into their fast fighting repertoire. After all, few women want to bulk up and look muscular and less feminine...
and that's what'll happen if you pump iron, right?
The only time you see a female body builder is when they're posing on stage and a common reaction is 'Yuk. I don't want to look like that! I just want fitness and a nice slim figure.'
Yet if you saw those same women in normal clothes in normal situations you'd most likely want to have the trim, shapely body that they have.
The common misconception is that if you do weight training you are going to suddenly bloom out with muscles all over you. If only that were true; keeping the weight down would be easy.
The fact is, very few women could ever make themselves look like a Ms Olympia body builder. They are professional athletes who work incredibly hard in their training and on their diet in order to maximize their muscle mass and muscular appearance.