The All Over Body 20-Minute Technique

Do you find yourself crunched for time to get in challenging work out in 30 min or less? Try this all over body 20-min work out blast & I promise you will feel challenged and great when you are done. All you need is a set of 5-10lb pound dumbbells or weighted body bar, or even a medicine ball, jump rope and 20 minutes to challenge your muscles. Try switching up, one day use dumbbells, another a weighted body bar and even a medicine ball! Variety is the key to spicing up a stale work out routine!

Minutes / The Workout

Jump Rope or Jog in place.

Squat (butt, legs): Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms by sides, and squat or place a weighted body bar across your back or even use a medicine ball-as you rise up from the squat position raise the medicine ball over your head. Do 20 reps. Rest for 30 seconds.

Full or modified push-up (arms, chest, core): Do 25 reps.

Alternating lunge (butt, legs): Hold dumbbells, arms by sides, and lunge, alternating legs each time, also try balancing a weighted body bar across your back or a medicine ball. Chop to the opposite side as your lunge to include obliques. Do 20 reps on each side.

Mountain Climbers or Jumping Jacks.

Deadlift (back, butt, hamstrings): Hold dumbbells with palms facing thighs, knees slightly bent and back straight. Bend forward from hips. Stand up, pushing through hips. Or hold the weighted body bar in place of the dumbbells. Do 20 reps.

Dumbbell press (shoulders): Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight, dumbbells at shoulders, palms forward. Push arms overhead; lower. Do 15 reps. Also try using weighted body bar or medicine ball in replace of the dumbbells.

Jump Rope or high knee march in place.


Bent-over row (shoulders, back): Hold dumbbells, palms facing in. Bend knees slightly and hinge forward from hips, back straight. Pull elbows up to ribs, keeping arms close to sides; lower. Do 20 reps. Also try using weighted body bar or even a resistance band!

Basic crunch (abs): Do 25 reps.


Biceps curl (arms): Rest for 30 seconds, then do 20 curls. You can also use the weighted body bar or even a resistance band!


One-arm triceps extension (arms): Extend right arm above head, holding dumbbell. Slowly lower weight behind head, supporting right elbow with left hand. Do 25 reps on each side. You can also do two-arm tricep extension using a medicine ball or weighted body bar.


Full or modified push-up (arms, chest, core): Do 15 reps.


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