Aerobics Endurance Training And Circuit Aerobic Training

Aerobic Exercises are those that usually require a steady supply of oxygen when you do it to sustain the energy giving powers of the muscles of your body .An aerobic exercise is any activity performed for a minimum of 20  to 30 minutes maintaining a heart rate between 70%-80% of maximum heart rate with chief  source of energy being sources being oxygen and body fat.

Aerobic exercises is categorised as high or low impact.

1. Low to moderate impact exercises: such as  mild walking, swimming, stair climbing, step classes, rowing, and cross-country skiing. Anyone in reasonable health can engage in some low to moderate impact exercise in their lives. Brisk walking can burn as many calories as jogging for the same distance and poses less risk for injury to muscle and bones.

High impact exercises For You: such as Jogging, dance exercises, Lawn tennis, squash etc. High-impact exercises should be performed no more than every other day and less for those who are  obese or overweight, elderly, out of condition, or have an injury or other medical problem that would preclude high-impact.

Benefits of Regular Aerobic Exercises

* It Builds endurance
* It Keeps the heart pumping at a steady and elevated rate for an extended period, boosts HDL (the good) cholesterol levels, and helps control blood pressure if you have blood pressure problems.
* Aerobic Exercise also Strengthens the bones in the spine
* Helps maintain normal weight and reduce excess weight fast.

Circuit Training: It is one of the best forms of aerobic exercise you can do.You need to choose that fits your goal. For example, circuit training for endurance, weight loss, muscle building will be different Since this includes a full body work out and uses all muscles, you will feel refreshed and less sore as this helps the body to remove toxins which build up in the body after vigorous activity and your muscles recuperate faster because of the increased blood flow.

Strength or Resistance training

Types of muscle contractions: There are three types of muscle contractions involved in strength training:

1. Isometric contractions. In this is no change in the length of the muscle. For example, pushing up against a wall.
2. Concentric contractions. These movements shorten muscles (for example, the up phase of when the bicep curls up while lifting weights).
3. Eccentric contractions. These type of movements lengthen muscles (the down phase as the weights are lowered).

To build muscle strength fast, steadily increase the weight that a muscle resists. If you are in the middle ages group or old age group, take care, as there can be a sudden rise in the blood pressure due to unaccustomed effort. Weight training is usually safe when properly supervised and controlled.

Here are Benefits of strength exercises

While aerobic exercise increases endurance and helps the heart, it does not build upper body strength or tone muscles. Strength-training exercises provide the following benefits if you do it under expert Strength fitness trainer:

* Builds muscle strength while burning fat fast
* Helps maintain bone density of your skeletal system
* It Improves digestion
* It appears to lower LDL (the ‘bad’) cholesterol levels
* Improves neuromuscular coordination
* It Increases flexibility and speed
* Increases utilization of glucose in the body and reduces the possibility of adult onset diabetes or a diabetes patient.

Beginners are advised to always start with low weights irrespective of their goals. For fitness, use lightweights and many repetitions. For bodybuilding, you need to use higher weights.

Breathe easily while you lift weights. Breathe out while lifting the weights. Breathe in while bringing a weight back. Eat sensibly. Take a meal within an hour of your workout. Take time to see a change sin your body but it requied patience. Each person takes a different time to get used to a particular exercise routine. So do not compare and be discouraged by the result you might get.

Flexibility training (Stretching)

It is now recommended that one should perform stretching exercises preferably in yoga for 10 to 12 minutes at least three times a week. The following are some general guidelines:

* While stretching, exhale and extend the muscles to the not pain, and hold for 20 to 60 seconds. (Beginners may need to start with a 5 to 10 second stretch)
* Breath evenly and constantly while holding the stretch of your muscles.
* Inhale oxygen when returning to a relaxed position. (Holding ones breath defeats the purpose; it causes muscle contraction and raises blood pressure.)
* It is to be kept in mind that when doing stretches that involve the back to relax the spine with ease, to keep the lower back flush with the mat in comfortable position, and to work only the muscles required for changing position, often only the abdomen.
* Avoid doing stretches the first thing in the morning as it can cause problems. They are best done when the joints are loose and flexible, that is in the afternoon or evening.

What Are The Benefits of flexibility Training

* It Prevents cramps, stiffness, and injuries
* Allowing a wider range of motion (i.e., the amount of movement a joint and muscle has)
* Certain stretching exercises are particularly beneficial for the back

Here are some specific Exercise tips for People Who Are Old:

* Any elderly persons should have a complete physical and medical examination and professional instruction before starting an exercise programme.
* For sedentary people, old people one or more of the following programmes may be helpful and safe: low impact aerobics, gait training, balance exercises, self-paced walking, and lower extremity resistance training using elastic tubing or ankle weights.
* Strength training assumes greater importance as one ages, because after the age of 30 everyone undergoes a slow process of muscular degeneration. The effect can be reduced or even reversed by adding resistance training to an exercise programme. As little as one day a week of resistance training improves overall strength and agility of the body. Strength training also improves heart and blood vessel health and general well being of the person.
* Power training aims for the fastest rate at which a muscle or muscle group can perform work, may be particularly helpful for older women in strengthening muscles and preventing falls.


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