Yoga Advise Precautions While Doing Yogic Exercises
Its not that you get up early morning and start doing any form of yoga straightaway as it can lead to injury or harm.Here are some guidelines that you need to keep in mind and follow before you even start basic yogic exercises or any form of yoga:
1. Always begin your yogic practices with prayer to god and your guru with reverance and thanks.
2.You are advised to practice with empty sotmach & the best time to practice power yoga or hath yoga is early morning especially brahma muhurat from 4 to 6:30 am.
3. Empty your bladder and bowels before you start your yoga session.
4. Place of doing yoga should be well ventinated without humidity or extreme temepratures and no dust or polution too of any kind.
5.Please wear loose clothes preferably cotton & keep it to minimum.
6. Practice yoga postures pranayama and meditation under the guidance of experienced yoga teacher or certified yoga instructer( Meera Call 9873139933 New Delhi India).
7.Do not practice when you are mentally disturbed or sick or injured.
8. Use 2 to 3 inches thick mat for doing yoga or meditation.
9.Women should avoid doing yoga when they are in menstrual period.
10 Pregnant women should do yoga under the guidance of yoga expert.
11.Old people should do only milder form of yoga postures and not difficult ones.
12.Try to practice shavasana after every yoga pose to regain energy and for relaxations.
13. Keep patience as mastering any yoga asana requires lof of effort and time.
14. Do not wear ornaments while doing yoga nor eat nor drink while yo are doing yoga or pranayama.
15. Warm up yogic exercises are important before you start actual yoga.
16. Do not perform kumbhak if you have breathing problems or pregnant.
17. Consult your yoga expert before you do yoga if you got any serious health problem, alergy, Undergone surgery, pain in the body.
18. Do at same place, time every day regularly.
19.Follow vegetarian diet when you do yoga.
20. Follow the principles of yama and niyama when you want to do yoga seriously.
21. Always do pranayama after you have done yoga exercises.
22. Do yoga with lot of Faith, respect, humbleness,in systematice way,with proper understanding and concentration.
23.Pranayam should always be done in fresh air and not in humid or dusty enviorment.
24. Practice yoga moderately according to capacity.
25. Say thanks to your gurus saints and god for guiding you and helping you in your development and giving you inspiration.
Its not that you get up early morning and start doing any form of yoga straightaway as it can lead to injury or harm.Here are some guidelines that you need to keep in mind and follow before you even start basic yogic exercises or any form of yoga:
1. Always begin your yogic practices with prayer to god and your guru with reverance and thanks.
2.You are advised to practice with empty sotmach & the best time to practice power yoga or hath yoga is early morning especially brahma muhurat from 4 to 6:30 am.
3. Empty your bladder and bowels before you start your yoga session.
4. Place of doing yoga should be well ventinated without humidity or extreme temepratures and no dust or polution too of any kind.
5.Please wear loose clothes preferably cotton & keep it to minimum.
6. Practice yoga postures pranayama and meditation under the guidance of experienced yoga teacher or certified yoga instructer( Meera Call 9873139933 New Delhi India).
7.Do not practice when you are mentally disturbed or sick or injured.
8. Use 2 to 3 inches thick mat for doing yoga or meditation.
9.Women should avoid doing yoga when they are in menstrual period.
10 Pregnant women should do yoga under the guidance of yoga expert.
11.Old people should do only milder form of yoga postures and not difficult ones.
12.Try to practice shavasana after every yoga pose to regain energy and for relaxations.

14. Do not wear ornaments while doing yoga nor eat nor drink while yo are doing yoga or pranayama.
15. Warm up yogic exercises are important before you start actual yoga.
16. Do not perform kumbhak if you have breathing problems or pregnant.
17. Consult your yoga expert before you do yoga if you got any serious health problem, alergy, Undergone surgery, pain in the body.
18. Do at same place, time every day regularly.
19.Follow vegetarian diet when you do yoga.
20. Follow the principles of yama and niyama when you want to do yoga seriously.
21. Always do pranayama after you have done yoga exercises.
22. Do yoga with lot of Faith, respect, humbleness,in systematice way,with proper understanding and concentration.
23.Pranayam should always be done in fresh air and not in humid or dusty enviorment.
24. Practice yoga moderately according to capacity.
25. Say thanks to your gurus saints and god for guiding you and helping you in your development and giving you inspiration.