Ewa Zapedowska-Kira Forster - Taya Valkyrie-Victoria Kirsanova - Fitness Female

This young lady is Ewa Zapedowska.
She was born on December 25th 1972 in Gdańsk, Poland, home of the Solidarity Movement.
Ewa won a Gold Medal at the Polish Championships and a Bronze Medal at the Polish Championships Senior
in bodyfitness women.
(Bodyfitness is our Figure).
She also came in fifth at the 2010 Grand Prix in Tarnobrzeg, Poland and third in Figure at the 2011 Federation of NAC - POLAND Polish Federation of NAC Championships
When she's not competing she works as a fitness model and personal trainer.

You can find out more about her personal training here at her website:

Or you can check her out on Facebook here:

Kira Forster - Taya Valkyrie - Fitness Model

Here is a lady that you may be seeing a lot of in the future.
She's Kira Forster, a 27 year old, five foot seven 130 pound fitness model and fitness competitor from Canada.
Why do I think she will get popular?
Well Kira is also a female wrestler who's ring name is Taya Valkyrie.
And "Taya Valkyrie" has just been signed to a WWE contract.
So that means that down the road, she could be one of the next big Divas.

Kira started out as a ballerina and started fitness after dancing.

2003 ABBA Alberta Provincial Championships - 11th Figure Tall
2003 ABBA Southern Alberta Championships -13th Fitness Tall
2004 ABBA Northern Alberta Championships - 5th Fitness Tall
2006 CBBF Canadian National Figure & Fitness Championships - 7th Fitness Tall
2008 Canadian National Figure & Fitness Championships - 5th Fitness Tall
2008 ABBA Northern Alberta Championships - 1st Figure Model & Overall
2009 CBBF Canadian National Figure & Fitness Championships - 1st Figure Tall
2010 Arnold Amateur Fitness Tall Class (2nd)
2011 CBBF Bikini, Figure and Fitness and Elite Bodybuilding Championships - 6th Fitness Tall
2010 CBBF Canadian Natural Physique Championships - 4th Fitness Tall

And while she was doing all this, she was also training at former WWE Superstar Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy.
So keep an eye or for Kira.

You can follow Kira on Twitter:
Or on MySpace:
Or Facebook:

Victoria Kirsanova - Fitness Beauties

Fitness model and NPC Bikini competitor Victoria Kirsanova has a background that separates her from a lot of the other fitness models here.
Victoria grew up in a circus family.
Thanks to this, she got to tour Europe, Russia, China and the United States.
Currently this five foot six, 123 pound fitness beauty is living in Los Angeles.
Besides modeling, she is also a Horse Trainer.
Victoria has several competitions under her belt.
And quite a few first place wins....

2009 Muscle Beach Championships - 1st Place
2009 NPC Tournament of Champions Bodybuilding and Figure Championships - 1st Place
2011 NPC California State Bodybuilding, Figure and Bikini Championships -1st Place
2011 NPC MuscleContest Bodybuilding, Physique, Figure and Bikini Championships - 3rd Place

You can check out Victoria on Facebook:
Or visit her ModelMayhem page here:


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