Exercise is one important key to staying healthy. Benefits of exercise is great to keep the body healthy and fit and reduce the risk of diseases such as heart attack, stroke, or diabetes. High workload often leaves you can not exercise regularly. Even for women who would rather spend time as a housewife, often feel lazy to exercise.
Here are some facts about exercise that can help you understand the importance of regular exercise to make the body stay healthy and fit, it also helps motivate you to exercise:
A study recommends to do brisk walking for 3 hours or more in one week. This activity can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease to 65 percent.
As many as 25 percent of adults in America, with the largest percentage of whom are women, lack of physical activity every day. After the age of 44 years, more than 30 percent of the women decreased their activity, and at the age of 65 years, this percentage rose nearly 35 percent. Then at the age of 75 years, 50 percent of women are very less physical activity.
Only about 22 percent of American adults who exercise diligently, they do exercise at least 30 minutes, 5 times a week, but only 15 percent are capable of performing regular exercise.
Do not mind your fitness condition is not good now, you can start practicing on a regular basis so that your fitness level increases and you become more healthy.
Adding movement to your daily activities can improve your fitness. For example, if you are quick five-minute walk from the car park to the office, then walked up and down stairs for 10 minutes, and the streets for 10 at home, means you have been practicing up to 30 minutes in the day.
Women who suffer from heart disease or arthritis actually have benefited from sports daily basis, ie increasing their fitness.
Fitness consists of four components, namely the body's ability to use oxygen as an energy source, called cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
So the conclusion is:
To run all the components of fitness, you need to incorporate aerobic exercise in your exercise program, so it will increase your heart rate.
Brisk walking will burn calories as much as you do jogging the same distance.
Feel the increase in fitness and stamina once you start applying this regular exercise in your lifestyle.