Female Bodybuilding Workouts

Female bodybuilding workouts are a lot like the male kind. The primary difference is that while men are naturally stronger in their upper bodies, women have naturally stronger legs. This means that women have to concentrate on developing their upper bodies more than male.

Make sure you work alternating groups of muscles, as in chest/back.

Here are some exercises you can do to build muscle:

    * Good exercises for your back include: deadlift, lat pull-down, side lat raises, seated cable row and the bent-over barbell row.
    * For your chest you may want to include the incline bench press, decline press, bench press, dumbbell flyes and incline dumbbell flyes.
    * To work your legs, squats are one of the best exercises you can do. Don't forget the lunges either. You can also do leg presses, hamstring curls, deadlifts and calve raises.
    * For your biceps include incline curls, standing barbell curls, preacher curls, and concentration curls. To work your triceps do some overhead extensions, tricep curls, tricep press down and dips. You can do wrist curls to strengthen your forearms.
    * The military press, front and side arm raises, lat raises and shoulder shrugs are all great workouts for your shoulders.
    * There are a variety of crunches you can do for your abs, all which are great for strengthening your abdomen. You can also do leg lifts to strengthen those muscles.


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